Monday, March 25, 2019

Mueller Investigation: A David vs Goliath Moment

David, win or lose - right or wrong always comes out
ahead in public opinion.
For what it's worth. People, we are being manipulated by the national media. Who owns the major cable networks? Why was this Russian collusion narrative pushed? Who benefited from two years of constant harping?
You think it might've been a convenient foil to keep us distracted? We had all the corporate middle-of-the-road and progressive leaning cable and mainstream broadcast networks poised against one admittedly right-wing one; thus, creating a David vs Goliath scenario towards manipulation and distraction of both the progressives and conservatives. 
   What were we being distracted from? 
   Can we look at that before we jump on one bandwagon or the other.
   I've been saying all along, withhold judgment until the much touted Mueller team completes its investigation.
   Not one of my friends wanted to do that. Like the Cyclops in the cave, not one of them wanted to look under the sheep of the Democratic Party's collusion let alone allow the investigation to be completed before they took to the streets with pitchforks and torches.
   Hating the President isn't enough. It is another distraction. Promote a better idea instead of the same old tired Saul Alinski tactics that divide and divert our energy.