If I disagree; if I am offended; if my principles are called into question, or I am threatened, I will respond with anger. Sometimes it is hardly displayed and stuffed deep inside to simmer and stew. It then accumulates and explodes into the fury of rage. Afterwards, in shame, I say to myself… there has to be a way to pause when agitated. Frustration by this breach of tolerance and patience, the beast of depression invites itself within. It would be easier to simply confess my short-fused outburst and apologize but ego stands at the gate feeding the beast and starving mindfulness by depriving it of compassion with indifference or contempt. Before I stuff it… before it explodes… I need to pause… to allow faith in the process, restoring enough strength to generate the necessary action. Admitting, not only that I have been wrong, but allowing you the leeway… the right to be wrong, can be the break I need to give myself.
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