Each morning I sit at my desk with a view as Dawn paints a variety of coral pinks on the sandstone outcrops of La Cumbra Peak. I have lived in various places in Santa Barbara... some where I saw Dawn rise from a completely different perspective. In San Roque Cathedral Peak looked greater than La Cumbra Peak. Elevation wise the two aren't even close and I think of these views sometimes when I get locked into my own beliefs. I.e., Christian imagery of life after death is everywhere in our culture. I don’t dismiss it, nor in anyway intend to demean this outlook; but, I do believe that it is important that I ought to be free, but careful, when I express my own spiritual imagery of the unknowable.

As I awaken now I see a variety of colors painting the landscape of a universal love some call God. And I understand that, as I move in position, those views change with me.
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