The Heart of the Buddha
Chogyam Trungpa
I am one of those annoying people who had a flash of inspiration from which the obsession to drink was lifted immediately. However, having had such an experience from what I believe was the grace of God, I cannot find anything misguided about this kind of instruction. I consider myself somewhat of a deist in that my help came from within and without at once, when I conceded to the Heart of Compassion… the prime mover and creative energy of the universe, the alienation of confusion that had me in its grip. This was a condition in which I seemed to have no power of my own that could have relieved me of the disease of alcoholism. Such a miracle is not a freak of nature. I believe that it is a perfectly natural phenomenon that can be accessed by anyone. This being my experience, I can’t be completely non-theist but I can see the wisdom and experience what the Buddha was talking about. I know that to be true because I did experience something of that and this lifted me out of the state of mind where I was bitter anarchist blaming society, blaming my parents, blaming my job, and blaming my wife for all the ills I suffered. One day I sat down and saw the dark corners of doubt and despair dissipate as the light of the heavens opened my mind to taking the path… the well-traveled road to happy destiny.
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