Sunday, February 3, 2013

Devotion to a Higher Meditation

Right speech, harmlessness,
Restraint in speaking ill of others,
Moderation in food, at peace in remoteness and solitude,
Devotion to higher meditation.
This is the teaching of the Buddhas.

Dhammapada 185


I was asked, during my pre-op interview, for my religious preference. I answered that I am a Catholic Buddhist. I am not at all confused in this expression of faith; for, followers of the middle path refer to the Buddhas as we in the West refer the saints and prophets. They are seen as enlightened or awakened ones. Though the Buddhas, or the Buddha, are not considered deities in the same sense as we think of when we refer to the Christ or God; I believe that the key here is in the words, “Devotion to higher meditation”. I say this because I have found it is as important to me to have faith in the practice as in any of my personal convictions (whether I am an atheist or a “Born Again” Christian). It is equally important to note that the experience of rejuvenation and redemption in being a “Born Again” Christian is of immense value as an asset to “Higher Meditation”. This very personal experience is not to be in any way discounted. I can give the Lord Jesus devotion without discarding the Buddhas because the Buddha never considered himself to be anything but a man and never proposed that he was a god. The Heart of Compassion embraces us all, whether we prostrate before Allah or pray at the Wall in Jerusalem. If I don’t open my heart to the Spirit of Compassion my faith is but divisive vanity that entirely misses the point of the Crucifix (which is the redemptive union of God and humanity).
geo, 5,251

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