Paramahansa Yogananda
Metaphysical Meditations
Healing Light of God, p. 72
If I were a young and healthy man I could afford all kinds of grand theories about health, pain and suffering. But I have actually lived long enough to experience a broad scope of these and my opinion has changed to some degree. I can suffer physical illness and pain but, if I so choose, pain and illness aren’t the cause of my suffering. I can speak with authority on this subject because I have had my share of each. I.e., as I meditate, my mind is distracted by the soreness that is the result of an injured spine. Instead of being distracted by it, why not give it my full attention? Breathe into it… focus on it… don’t let it get away from the magnifying glass held to concentrate the light of the spirit. One doesn’t have to attain any kind of high spiritual power to do this. I can start from where I am… observing without judgment and self-pity… sending love and light to it… taking it in. Then I act on it. In bodhichitta (awakened mind) practice, we breathe in suffering and exhale healing. If I wish to be relieved of my own suffering, the best plan is to take the experience of my own suffering to foster compassion for those who suffer a similar malady… one cancer patient helping another… one alcoholic talking with another… one combat veteran nodding in agreement with another GI’s experience suffering PTSD. The pain doesn’t necessarily go away but the suffering does. The Heart of Compassion is in the business of miracles and we can expect them if we choose the path of compassion.
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