Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Erroneous Views

Erroneous views keep us in defilement
While right views remove us from it.
But when we are in a position to discard both of them
We are then absolutely pure.
The Sutra of Hui Neng


Before I do anything I make sure that anything I do doesn’t do me. Taken down the stream of righteousness into the morass of morality; where one is bad and the other is good; one is healthy and one is unhealthy, I become a helpless pawn to anything suggested by bad comb-overs. My heart breaks when I see so many good intentions taken and used to wrap coils of restraints on anything that moves; anything that moves spiritually or socially in the politics of religion. Driven by fear… fear blocking… barring… the simplicity of looking inside… from not listening… to ignoring the Christ that abides… to the Buddha within… from not finding my own center... I am driven with a separation of the heart from the computer between my ears and behind my eyes. This can be overcome so simply and so easily by sitting after an even simpler checklist… sitting… breathing… letting the Heart of Compassion rise from the ravenous gut to the ever chattering brain… uniting them…. Letting all concepts of right and wrong drop to the floor like so much excrement. Liberty… that is what I find… liberty to act and think with a clear head and heart full of compassion… I move from the darkness into the light.

geo 5,528

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