Bodhicaryāvatāra 5.19
To think of the
mind as a wounded organ explains its sensitivity to the influence of the
company I keep. It isn’t so much that I ought to avoid or shun the so called
“bad crowd”, but rather that I protect my mind from negative and destructive
group think… or, the group conscience. I have to become alert and aware of
fearful and divisive complaining and gossip if I am to maintain a positive
outlook. To always look towards healing is sometimes a difficult thing but it
is a must if I am to have equanimity of spirit and open to the higher calling
of grace.
The Saint
Francis Prayer advises that, if I am to be a channel of peace, these
suggestions prescribe what is required of me: Where there is hatred, I bring
love; i.e., resist the temptation to pile on more fuel for the fire. That where
there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness. Forgiveness is a most
important and subtle principle because I am drawn into all kinds of abuses by
preaching against the wrongs of others instead of first forgiving them where
they err. This is easy to do when the differences are minor but when the
conflict is between questions of more sensitive issues, my peace is challenged.
Consequently, it comes as no surprise that the next phrase of the prayer
suggests that I bring harmony to discord. In other words, I am to seek out
where we can agree. If the dispute is due to an error of judgment or thinking
then I must seek the truth… even when the truth is not friendly to my cause. It
takes faith to overcome the doubt that arises out of this suggestion but faith
is the answer that dispels despair with hope… brings light to the shadows… and elevates
sadness to joy.
To seek comfort
rather than to be comforted… to love than to be love… to understand than to be
understood… these are remedies prescribed for the healing and protection of the
wound that is my mind.
geo 5,572
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