I just published my fourth book: The Book of Job Revisited. It is an extension of my novelette, A Taxi Romance (word count: 28,000). If you haven't read it you can skip it because that story is a story within this one.
I realized I left out some important events and elements that needed to be included adding 30,000 to the word count to 58,000 doubling the story
The most important aspect left out of A Taxi Romance was Max's head injury and concussion... how the even the medical profession had little understanding of the long term affects: depression, drug addiction, alcoholism and sometimes violent or angry outbursts.
Veterans returning from Afghanistan and Iraq have amplified the impact of brain trauma and contributed much to the treatment of it in the psychiatric and medical community. Additionally, MRI's and CT scans have helped to detect the physical condition as well as the response to therapy in patients.
I believe I have hit on a topic that was not understood at all when I suffered a basal fracture in 1985. Concussion was taken more lightly with short term affects unless there was obvious physical problems with debilitating nerve damage to limbs. I was told by the Nuero-surgeon that treated me that I would get over it within a few months. I still have problems associated with it but I am one of the lucky ones that have found treatment.
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