Sunday, March 4, 2012

Ego Trips are Ego Traps

There is great merit in a good self-appraisal at the end of the day. It is hard to get through the waking hours… about sixteen of them… without falling into one or more of these ego traps (back in the day we used to call them “ego-trips” but an ego trap describes them better). This is so because my day involves contact with other people: even more so because my days are invigorated by working with others in recovery. Therefore, I sit in meditation and take an inventory before I begin my day, I find that I can spot attempts to rationalize my conduct as they occur and often need not even be considered as the day ends. However, how much better it is to lay my head down on my pillow when I have knowledge of where I have gone, as well as the progress I have made, before the balm of slumber soothes my spirit through the night?

geo, 4,632

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