From the
blossoming lotus of devotion, at the center of
my heart,
Rise up, O
compassionate master, my only refuge!
A am plagued by
my past actions and turbulent emotions:
To protect me in
Remain as the as
the jewel-ornament on the crown of my
head, the mandala of great bliss,
Arousing all my
mindfulness and awareness, I pray!
JULY 23rd
Jigme Lingpa

the heart and mind are spoken of we are not just talking about the computer
between our ears and behind our eyes. We are not just speaking of the
blood-pump in our chests. The heart is the center of being where passions and
intuitions are felt. The mind is all of it together. We instinctively know this
but, because it just makes so much sense, we assume that there is nothing more
to the mind than the nerve center and we dismiss gut feelings as unreliable. We
are told to use our heads instead of our passions. These are unreliable without
training. The untrained mind is a rogue elephant driven by pain, anger, desire
and fear that heeds nothing from the heart. But, once the Heart of Compassion
is ceded to, a whole new world opens to us. In this sense we find that
spirituality is not opposed to the intellect; but, rather, embraces it
holistically through mindfulness and awareness.
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