Your life is a consecrated one when you are willing at all times to do the will of God --- when you are willing and anxious that God may be fully expressed through you, through your thoughts, words, and deeds, during every hour of the day.
You are not concerned with the question of results. Results belong to God.
Hear am I; send me (Isaiah 6:8).
Around the Year
Emmet Fox, p. 304
Happy Halloween: the most frightening thing to me is to go to my grave having not lived at all. That is the scary mask I wear today, and this night, we all try to shock each other via that possibility.
Live well my friends.
I once troubled myself with the “Big Questions” like; how do I know the will of something as mysterious as what it is that we commonly call God? How do I know if I am acting in concord with a Spirit that can seem at times to be impetuous and arbitrary? Then it occurred to me that I was the one that acted impetuous and arbitrary and that the Heart of Compassion is always steady and works the wonders we call miracles in accordance with a divine will. When I act out of concern and compassion combined with the wisdom to know when to do so I can hardly go wrong. A peace that surpasses all understanding guides me through some of the most difficult challenges of my everyday experience. Prayerfully, attentively, and most willingly, I am awake to the creative possibilities of a life well-lived.
geo 5,157