“Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the A.A. name ought never be drawn into public controversy.”
Never since it began has Alcoholics Anonymous been divided by a major controversial issue. Nor has our Fellowship ever publically taken side on any question in an embattled world. This, however, has been no earned virtue. It could almost be said that we were born with it, for, as one oldtimer recently declared, “Practically never have I heard a heated religious, political, or reform argument among A.A. members. So long as we don’t argue these matters privately, it’s a cinch we never shall publicly.”
I have learned much from this attitude for my own personal beliefs outside of the rooms. I have always been of the opinion that “to stand for nothing is to fall for anything”. However, my attitude about most social issues is now to promote unity rather than to polarize… to heal rather than divide … to humanize rather than to demonize… those who have opposing views. This attitude has granted me a peace I could not have had otherwise. No longer waving a flag on the ramparts, I am stepping out front to extend a hand to those I would otherwise despise. I found out by doing so that they… “others”… are human beings too.
Which takes more courage?
geo 5,156
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