Twelve Steps and
Twelve Traditions, P. 60
There are times I wonder whether or not God has anything to do with this whole business of human affairs at all. Before I sink into the despair of doubt I have to reflect; where would I be without the Hand of One greater than me? There is a balance, however, where I follow the dictates of conscience or yield to the counsel of my fellows. There are times when the direction is clear to me alone but such times are rare indeed. It takes practice to know good sense when I see it. I can ask myself these three questions to figure out what action I ought to best take: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind? If the answer to any one of these three is vague I should run to wise counsel… run! How much regret to I need for a word thrown into conflict based on false information unnecessarily without compassion in mind? Wouldn’t the humiliation of regret be worse than the humility to run it by another for an objective opinion?
geo 5,152
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