The mind, is it connected to the
brain at all? I’m not sure… but I do know this… all the talk about spirituality
and consciousness seems nonsense at this time. The computer is no longer
connecting in there to anything I can comprehend from out here. These things
are beyond anything I can control. We just think we have these things figured
out about morality, will and so on… but when that bit of gray matter between
our ears gets scrambled or when a simple thing like blood sugar goes haywire…
everything we know, and damned near everything we think we are, goes out the
So, Dr.’s of Divinity and so called
Spiritual Giants, what the fuck do you have to say about that? Where is God in
any of this? What does it matter if I am kind and compassionate if it all is
but a vapor? Why bother? It isn’t so much that I am mad at God or anything like
that… I just don’t believe in God or anything like that. We die and it all goes
back to where it came from… this consciousness business. So what if I’m as evil
as Adolf Hitler… so what if I am Mahatma fucking Gandhi? Does it matter in the
big picture where this biomass of human neurons connected arose from the
primordial ooze just a short time ago in the grand scheme of things is? Do you
really think so or is it all just a charade for charlatans who… well, might as
well as anything else, be charlatans.
Okay, so I admit it freely… I am
but one of those fakers… a fakir of sorts. Should I wear the mask of someone
who cares, I will wear it the best I can, lay on a bed of nails...because why not? When I ask why, the answer seems to be, why not? Why not be kind as
long as I can in this brief and meaningless span between birth and death? Why
should I not try my best to find peace and maybe even happiness here and now?
Now and then I think it better to believe in something than to believe in
nothing at all. So, do I really know that there is a Heart of Compassion beyond
the limitations of my own blood pump? Sometimes I am sure of it and at others,
like these,… I just wonder.
geo 5,393
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