Friday, February 24, 2012

Another Human Being, Being Human

My most common resentments… the ones that drive me nuts… are the ones that the other party hardly knows, understands or had little or no part in the offence I stew about. Institutions easily fall into this category: The automatic answering services most businesses resort to, for one (Just try calling Verizon with a problem that doesn’t fit their programmed options!). Another can be the person who walks into the office or store on a cell-phone loudly discussing trivia on the par of where and what they are doing now. Grrrrr!

When I am spiritually fit these things have little or no impact on my serenity. I pause…. take a few breaths… and say in my mind, “Another human being, being human.” It isn’t a disease or anything like that. It is simply just the way things are set-up. Technology will find new and even more annoying ways to do business and people are still setting up the rules of behavior for our advances in communication. Adapt or go crazy…the rules of evolution…

geo, 4,634

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