Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I Sit and Breathe

Taking responsibility for my sobriety is the basic obligation from which all other duties emanate. Second to physical sobriety arises the importance of emotional sobriety. There is enough damage done around the planet by folks, regardless of their motivations, acting on the behalf of others because it feels good to them. Therefore, I start my day with a good look at myself. I sit and breathe for a few minutes and listen for that inner-voice. Sitting and breathing… call it meditation if you will.

Most people make too big of a deal out of the act of meditation. Whatever work I do depends upon a presence of mind that enables me to know right and wrong with what I employ my heart, my hands and my intentions. I find emotional balance by sitting a few minutes and simply breathe. It seemed absurd to me at first but I tried it. I realize that I breathe while I sleep…. I breathe while I eat… I breathe while I work… why not take a few minutes out of my days to sit and breath. It is no contest. I don’t have to do it for an hour or twenty minutes. A pause at my desk for a second or two is fine. There is nothing I have to achieve… I just breathe, if only for a short time. Being conscious of my breath I become conscious of how delicate is the balance between life and death. I can’t seek out the best interests of my fellows if I can’t appreciate my own life.

geo, 4,617

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