Sunday, February 12, 2012

Faith and Physics

My faith has no problem with atheism or atheists. For one thing, the science of the day delves so deeply into matter that it is so close to spiritual that it hardly matters at all. I believe that most scientific minded folks can easily transfer most of what is called a “Higher Power” to the mathematical foundations (from what little I know) of quantum physics. I believe that this notion is more potent and convincing; for the honest, open-minded and educated non-believer, than asking “Who made all this?” .
Because the physicist doesn’t ask “Who made it” so much as how it all came about, it isn’t such a huge leap of faith to propose that the “How” is all tied together neatly into a greater ideal…. Like "What" makes it all work to “Who” could be behind "all this". Until I personally experienced a divine shake-up, no argument would have broken through that cerebral labyrinth of doubt between my ears. Truly, I would not have believed at all had I not had a series of unanswerable coincidences that culminated in the having the obsession to drink lifted as soon I looked within, and up, to ask for help. In the meantime “the AA group” is sufficient for some of us. I know of one atheist who has been sober for thirteen years because he adheres to the AA group and the rest of the Twelve Steps; leaving the Second Step, "coming to believe", on the "yet to be revealed" shelf until... well, later.

[1] geo, 4,622

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