Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Criticism: Positive and Negative

If Nehru (a Muslim) and Gandhi
could differ constructively
I can do so too.

My training disciplined me to accept critiques of my works as an art student. Acceptance of this sort doesn’t always translate to criticism of personal context for my opinions, politics and personal behavior. I suppose that this arrogance comes from distaste for ill-founded and uninformed personal attacks on mine or other people’s ideals but mostly for fear that I could possibly be wrong. This distaste isn’t always expressed respectfully and that is one of my greatest character defects. My goal is to cease attacking people personally and to not to be so offended when this is done to me. If I could accept that I might be wrong and react as graciously to criticism as I do with my craft as an artist it would be a gain whether, or not, the criticism is positive or negative. There is always something to work on if I am to progress, change and learn. I eventually become grateful for criticism of any sort in the end because it usually stems from people who are authentic.

geo, 4661

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