Friday, April 6, 2012

Thy Will, Not Mine

When we say: “Thy will, not mine, be done,” aren't we stating the obvious if our concept of God is omniscient, omnipotent and is the Heart of Compassion?Yes, but, what happens as I say this perfect evocation, is an almost automatic transcendence from my personal desires and a submission to a higher will. I come to understand that there is suffering that calls for compassion and that compassion can take form in so many ways that I can’t understand from my own limited perspective.
Why then should I pray for others at all? After all, if I am in the dark isn’t it a waste of time to ask God for anything? The answer is simple: compassion. Caring about those who suffer from and in; tyranny and war, hospitals, mental wards, unimaginable, catastrophe, prisons, poverty, prisoners of conscience and children who’ve been abandoned, betrayed, abused and even murdered, takes me out of self before I meditate. Then, when my consciousness rises to that of the Heart of Compassion, my vision improves to the extent that universality grants my heart the direction to act accordingly.

geo, 4,664

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