Monday, April 9, 2012

The Grand Central Station of Thought

The film, Baraka, features time-lapse photography of busy places… the rhythms, ebbs and flows of people and traffic, trains and automobiles, herds and flocks. It reminds me that the space between my ears when I first sit down is a busy terminal… the Grand Central Station --- of thoughts and emotions. These streams are a natural state for most of us and it is only with practice that I can slow down the space between thoughts.
If it is natural that my mind is so full of this business, then why is it so important that I learn to slow it all down or even shut it down?
Sure, a shot of Jack will slow it down; two shots will flatten it out; three shots will loosen up the action and so on, until it all collapses into a hangover from physical poisoning and obsession, doubt, fear, isolation and despair until I need “the hair of the dog” to move on.
Alternatively: to sit, before my day begins, to surrender it all to the Heart of Compassion reveals a glimpse at the ground beneath the clutter into the clean slate revealing the Creative Spirit of the Universe. To go there has no ill-consequences… no hangovers… no relapses. Once I go there I can expand that experience… a little more each day… into a life free of the bondage to self.

geo, 4,667

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