This is one way how karma can be explained. It doesn’t have to be any mumbo-jumbo about past-lives other than the life I am living. It is no sin to step in something. But to carry it around and stink up whatever I touch is karma. It takes putting on my glasses; practicing some introspection; cleaning my own shoes and covering my tracks; thoroughly accounting for my past, and then cleaning it up too. Cleaning up the list of people I have harmed are opportunities for growth… making those amends to get rid of the stink is what we in "Twelve Step" programs call the 4th through the 9th Steps.
Besides my obvious addictions, the stink I speak of are my character defects that follow me wherever I go. With the help I get from the Heart of Compassion, those areas that cause me the most trouble are lifted and I get help doing what I can about the messes I have made. What isn't lifted I have to work at. Fortunately, my Higher Power is capable of doing the heavy lifting.
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