Examine the nature of unborn awareness.
The Main Practice 3. Look at your basic mind, just simple awareness which is not divided into sections, the thinking process that exists within you. Just look at that, see that. Examining things as they are, in the ordinary sense.
And Cultivating
Loving Kindness
by Chugyam Trungpa
I picture that my mind is behind my eyes… thoughts and dreams float around in there and bubble up… grocery lists… laundry that needs getting done… appointments… and on and on from things into people… sometimes it is loved ones and sometimes not… sometimes it is about what I want to write about after I’m done. It races, sets traps, plays dodge-ball with visions and fantasies but I try to observe it when I sit… until I get a glimpse of what I cannot possibly attain… I get a glimpse of where it is that there is nothing to hold onto. I say nothing to myself for a brief second. What is it I am observing? This is what Chogyam Trungpa refers to the “unborn” mind. Simple awareness… I wait like a hunter for its prey.
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