Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
From: The Book
By Alan Watts
Here I am going against this advice, but then again, I see the world rightly only in glimpses. I do have my own experience and it is more important that I stay with it and avoid any speculation about things of which I have no experience. If I am truthful, I cannot promise good things to anyone else if they persistently practice meditation and adhere to certain moral principles. My experience is that even prayer is a fifty-fifty proposition. I can’t say that there is anything but compassion for others personified by our beliefs. The Heart of Compassion is a humanization of that which is impossible to have any sure knowledge of by using the intellect. I have found that it is not merely a reflex to fall back on to salve doubt. God, in this light, is not so much a concept as compassion is a living experience. To me, Compassion is not something that comes out of a philosophy but perceived through the heart as a greater Self connected to all of us. Whether or not the universe is bound together, molecule to galaxy, by Compassion is another story. However, I have had direct experience with a mountain-top experience where I saw love in action and I can, I must, speak of that in a world pining for faith. In a troubled world this grows my faith in the big picture and grants me faith in you.
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