Thich Nhat Hanh;
Miracle of Mindfulness
Sometimes I read a text or a meditation that says it all…. Yet, this exercise in writing every morning is so important to me that I am compelled to write something… anything. So, I sit until it comes to me. It comes to me as I drop my expectations and open my mind to what I’ve read. I allow feelings to surface… the so-called good and the bad. In this case, the discipline of writing every morning turns into devotion. When I am hitting the mark my spirit is lifted as are my insights. I rise above the mundane and even in the mundane I see things as they are…sometimes it comes extemporaneously and sometimes in the task of correcting words and phrases to make more sense. So, today, I pray that my words and actions are as mindful as bathing the baby Jesus or Buddha. Today, I pray that mindfulness is in everything I do.
geo 5,341
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