This article sadly takes me back to a time when Viet Nam War Veterans were spat on and held in contempt when we returned to the Mainland. Steven Salaita's energy would have been better spent by giving something of himself to our troops and scrutinizing the many so-called charities that propose to "support our troops". Instead it was an opportunity to do what so many of our left do to slam the evils of capitalism. Perhaps he is just teething like his child and will grow-up someday as he sees how the importance of creating a life for his family and that depends on the security afforded to us by young men and women posted in harm's way on our behalf. Though Mr. Salaita gives a nod the sanctity of the "selflessness" of those in uniform, I can advise that his critique might hold more water if he would have listed the many organizations (like Wounded Warriors) that put 100 percent of donations into the patriotic duty of helping those who have given so much in life, limb, and sometimes sanity, in our behalves.
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