Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Light of Wisdom

Thursday, August 15, 2013:

“It (wisdom) is like a lamp, O King, which a man might introduce into a house in darkness. When the lamp had been brought in it would dispel the darkness, cause radiance to arise, and light to shine forth, and make the objects there plainly visible. Just so would wisdom in a man have such efforts as were just now set forth.
MilindapaƱha 39


There is nothing arcane, esoteric or secret about wisdom. It is there in my face all of the time. I know, that if I’m honest with myself, it is hard to grasp the idea of God. Unless I get into some sort of “make believe” I don’t really believe in anything I can’t touch with my senses; hear, see, touch, smell, or taste. I might imagine it in my mind but, no matter how hard I try to convince myself or others, my faith is in what I know to be true. This is where wisdom enters a dark room for me and this is where it shows itself in compassion. Compassion and wisdom are the same to me and the Heart of Compassion is what I touch on when I enter the dark night of my soul. I enter the door to this room through my senses: I breathe; sit; listen for my heart-beat; feel the air as it passes… inhaling… exhaling; taste the clarity of it. The mind puts all these together as a composite. Aware and awake it opens up and connects with the Spirit of Compassion… mine to thine. As I rise and go out to meet others, I take this clarity with me… the clear mind of wisdom shakes my preconceptions and opens my heart to what is before me and takes it inside. That is what it is meant by union… or yoga, if you like. This isn’t about belonging to an exclusive group, smugly separating ourselves from others outside of “the Faith”. It isn’t about worshiping God, Goddesses or gods… it is about joining the Human Species (I don’t call it the Human Race because we aren’t a race). God isn’t “out or up" there in the light of the Heart of Compassion.

geo 5,435

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