It is your duty to God to run your life on intelligent lines. God gives us all as much intelligence as we can possibly need, but unfortunately, in most cases we use very little of it.
….The world needs more intelligence. There is plenty of will, but because people will not use enough intelligence, mankind everywhere is in difficulties. Your intelligence is the light of God in your soul.
Excerpts from:
Around the Year
With Emmet Fox, p. 317
Intelligent misuse of the space between my ears is what has caused me the most problems in my life. I thought that I was a special human being that could disregard what others did. I might have even looked down my nose at those who worked for financial security at jobs they hated. I went through life dreaming of the “Big Break” … my talents being discovered… or even winning the lottery. None of my desires had anything to do with practical and intelligent plans or work towards the goal of financial security for myself. Then, as I approached the last quarter of my life, I sunk into a depression, bemoaning my life, thinking it was too late to do anything about it.
I can be despondent all I want, but the truth is, I still have something to offer the world. All I have to do is tap into it and use what God has given me between my ears and follow my heart. It takes work… but I have a vast resource in accumulated experience from my past that can become assets. I can still strive towards financial security but isn’t it better that I still follow my bliss to the end? If I seek out ways to tap into the creative source and die trying, isn’t that better than to go to the end comfortable… able to be put on a life support system as I pass? No, I choose to dream, but I can accept that it isn’t the most intelligent use of my brain.
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