For many of my good friends, today is a day of high anxiety; the air is thick with anticipation, even a good deal of fear, for the results of the election. To understand karma is often thought of as a wavy-gravy way of thinking about life after death but, even though to some it is just that, karma is a practical and useful way of coping with anxiety through mindfulness. The calm serenity needed for clarity translates in a very utilitarian way for dealing with the polarized political forces moving the electorate as we watch the votes get tallied from State to State. No matter whether I am voting Republican or Democrat, it is most important that I am voting positively and not negatively. Emotionally detached, whether or not I agree with either candidate… incumbent or challenger, the results are left to karma. I know I have done so when I can refer to the winner as Mr. President rather than the man; because, in the end, whoever wins that office, soon realizes that this title has a weight and responsibility that transcends personality. I believe that this is why, for good or bad, every single president we’ve ever had leaves the office with grey hair. Even if every cell in my body opposes the principles the man represents, respect for the office is accepted if I am in tune with karma.I didn’t say it would be easy to do so but it is essential for emotional balance. The fetters of hell are composed by links of hatred and this karma tells me to be as gracious in winning as I am humbled by losing. Understanding karma is how this is accomplished.
geo 5,162
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