Where there is great avarice, are the fetters of the tortured spirits.
Where there is great ignorance, are the fetters of beasts.
Where there is great lust, are the fetters of man.
Where there is great envy, are the fetters of the demigods.
Where there is great pride, are the fetters of the gods.
These are the six fetters of non-liberation.
It is easy to see where great hatred can only end badly for me.
It is only a bit more difficult to see where avarice… to covet what others have that is beyond my reach can stir up and torture my spirit.
And, as for ignorance, it seems almost like bliss to most of those I know.
And great lust does define what most of us are about; up to a certain age at any rate.
Envy and avarice… well, I admit I thought they were the same but there seems to be a ranking here… one for tortured spirits and one for demigods. Could he be speaking of greed for one and hoarding for another?
Then there is pride… oh, pride, I can see where that would bind a god.
So, I’m obviously confused about these six and will give them some thought: One a day.
geo 5,161
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