No matter how unattractive or how dangerous the road ahead may be, it is better than the road back. The road ahead may be veiled from sight --- but you must teach yourself to regard the unknown as friendly. Remember that God is always on the road ahead.
…. cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee (Psalm 143:8).
Around the Year
With Emmet Fox, p. 324
"Put your hand to the plow and hold on..."
Gospel Spiritual
The mind is an unplowed field for most of us. Once I have put my hands to the plow, there is no looking back or romanticizing the past. Acknowledging my past isn't to be mistaken for looking back and longing to return to it. In the rooms of AA, and working with others, I often relate my experience where drugs and alcohol took me. I must take an inventory of my past actions too…and, as my day ends, I can review where I have been and what I have done. In doing so I am plowing a furrow next to the one I put down before without wavering into it because it then becomes a reference to where I am going. There are very few things as beautiful to me as a newly plowed field: i.e., see Bruegel.
geo 5,176
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