He who’s skilled abandons evil things.
As greed and folly wane, Nibbãna’s gained.
From 365 Buddha,
Compiled by Jeff Schmidt:
Digha Nikãya ii 136
Compiled by Jeff Schmidt:
Digha Nikãya ii 136
All of the dragon slaying, high horse ranting and railing against injustice is but a mockery compared to one, no-strings-attached, act of charity. I don’t mean ya’ don’t have to donate a huge sum of money and get a plaque on the wall of a hospital. It has to do with something so kind and covert that I don’t even notice I’m doing it. I don’t need to pat myself on the back to take credit for it if I know in my heart of hearts that it is just as natural as breathing. A mother doesn’t have to think about bringing her child to her breast; then, why do I have to think about being kind? Spiritual practice to me is about honing natural instincts into listening; feeling; nurturing; walking with other human beings; and extending that love and care to other sentient beings. Doing this spontaneously without hesitation or compelled by guilt is the apex of spiritual development. In the meantime, I can at least be kind to myself.
geo 5,335
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