Dr. Bob and the
Good Oldtimers, p. 273
Added to spiritual and scientific inquiry would be social and political lines of discourse. So much that is considered discourse is, in fact, nothing more than parroting of one position over another. This sort of surety impresses the choir but does nothing to advance the discussion towards a solution. For my own purposes this tolerance doesn’t translate directly to a blanket approval of, or acquiescence to, another’s opinion or behavior, nor my own shortcomings and failures. The whole point is that I don’t wear blinders and become so set in my beliefs that I don’t see the value of, or respect for, our differences. It starts from within; I have found, from my own personal experience that we are often our most severe judges. Tolerance doesn’t mean that I am blind to my own lapses but that my eyes are open to them and can see where they come from. This means that I get off the judgment seat, or high horse, to make pronouncements of moral superiority, but I must take my spirit to ground level where we are equals. From a ground level perspective I can ask myself; Am I seeking the truth or am I simply imposing my truth on our differences?
geo 5,309
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