Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Interconnected Dance of the Whole

In modern physics, the image of the universe as a machine has been replaced by that of an interconnected dynamic whole whose parts are essentially interdependent and have to be understood as patterns of a cosmic process. In order to define an object in this interconnected web of relationships, we cut through some of the interconnections --- conceptually, as well as physically with our instruments of observation --- and in doing so we isolate certain patterns and call them objects. Different observers may do so in different ways. For example, when you identify an electron you may do so by cutting through some of its connections to the rest of the world in different way, by using different observational techniques. Accordingly, the electron may appear as a particle, or it may appear as a wave. What you see depends on how you look at it.
The Tao of Physics:
 The Future of the New Physics, p 330
Fritjof Capra

Okay, I admit that this meditation is a bit heady. But I have no other way of talking about it.

   When I hear someone take the seemingly intellectual viewpoint that everything is just a matter of opinion, it can be said that they are as right about it as they are wrong. When I do this, right and wrong disappears into an uneasy vagueness that can be quite disturbing for me and I rebel by insisting that there is a fundamental right and a wrong, evil and good, a God and Satan, behind it all. But, even such a duality hints at something greater than my limited point of view. I could call it a transcendent reality that absorbs the whole. When this reality can be seen clearly, the dance of creation… non-reality… and non-creation… is within as much as it is without the bag of skin that is, damn near arbitrarily, called George. Some would say that I ought best get off the pot-pipe and get real because the evil in this world is manifested more sharply than the good with wars of genocide, to the rebellions of cancer within the cells of our own bodies. But; when I sit honestly, face to face with you, I can, by denying the impulses of my own ego, see through to the transcendent reality of God. This is not the same as saying I’m not God, or that I am God, in the same sense that God is a rigid concept of God. If I look at you truthfully, such rigidity dissolves. In a holistic sense, I am you and in this reality we live forever as one… one in the sense that there is more to this dance than the dancer… making love is the pulse of compassion…because the heartbeat of compassion moves to the rhythms of a cosmic raga… an improvised jazz that is surrender/acceptance, giving/receiving and that power of movement, an interconnectedness, we can sense. Traditions of mystics, saints, Buddhas and Christ, tell us that this power is the grace of God.

geo 5,320

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