Metaphysical Meditations, p. 59
Paramahansa Yogananda
I have come to love those moments, the sweet spot, of stillness and serenity in meditation. There are times, however, when I resist and am hesitant to bother. I make excuses sometimes because of pain, or. it can be as simple as wishing to get on with the business of the day. The saving grace has been that I have made meditation a habit as strong as my morning cup of coffee. I start out small and gradually enlarge my practice to stretch the time I sit. It really is no big deal to sit and breathe… taking control of the breath in the same manner as one holds the reins of a horse lightly... loosely... a gentle tug here and there with nothing to prove or wish to attain… the quiet mind or higher consciousness. Just to sit and breathe is enough… maybe a prayer for help… a supplication for healing… without grasping or holding on to the results. Most often, even when I am reluctant to sit, persistence evaporates the hesitancy before I rise from my cushion.
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