now, a reasonable man would suppose that my coffee karma would be over at this
juncture… but no. I made up my usual full cup of coffee and creamer... put it on my desk... fired up
my laptop and walked away. It was then I
heard the fan of the cooling pad under it making a strange noise. I put the
computer to the side (thank GAWD) and the picked up the cooling pad as though I
would know what to do from there. My coffee cup had other ideas because it
tipped over, spilling its content on my desk and then it spread rapidly under a
brand-new wireless mouse I'd just bought last Wednesday. Now the mouse doesn't work and I have to use this
wild/card built/in keyboard mouse that strays the cursor (or curser!) around the page if I pass a
hand within an inch of its surface.
will sit and meditate now: let the peace of the cosmos still my raging monkey
geo 5,378
Bonnie is doing fine: she had a catheter put up her
leg to have a look-see for any possible blockage in her arteries and to see
whether it will be a mitro-valve repair or replacement (She has mitro-valve
regurgitation going on there in the ole blood pump). The good news is that
there is no blockage but the docs are going to wait for surgery to figure out
what is going on with the anemia bit she has been going through since last Nov.
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