Saturday, June 1, 2013

It is No Big Deal


Quietly sitting, body still, speech silent, mind at peace, let thoughts and emotions, and go, without clinging to anything.
            What does this state feel like? Dudjom Rinpoche used to say: Imagine a man who comes home after a long, hard day’s work in the fields, and sinks into his favorite chair in front of a fire. He has been working all day and he knows he has achieved what he wanted to achieve; there is nothing more to worry about, nothing left unaccomplished, and he can let go completely all his cares and concerns, content, simply, to be.
Glimpse After Glimpse
Sogyal Rinpoche


There is a certain amount of humility in seeing myself as practicing meditation as a mental and physical comfort rather than a religious duty. Spiritual pride and competitiveness come about when I consider myself in terms of dutifully sitting every morning… ringing the bells… lighting incense… reciting prayers. Falling into this state of mind is a distraction from the simple joy of giving my mind and body a well-needed charging of batteries before I start my day and a well-deserved rest after a day of service. Just as some begin their day with a cup of coffee and relax after hard day with a drink, I can do the same in the arms of the Heart of Compassion. It is no big deal.

geo 5,367

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