Bring the Mind Home
Buddha's solution to our character defects (i.e., samsara) is to "Bring
the mind home" according to Sogyal Rinpoche. How this is done with the
kind of clarity I need is simpler than I might fear. When I approached
meditation with the notion that it was a difficult sacrifice to make or that it
was one of those spiritual chores… a task, I missed the point. Meditation is
more like coming home after a long and arduous journey. I can rest my mind if I
simply breathe and let go. As my mind entertains shopping lists, projects or
troubling thoughts... note them and realize it is futile to fight them… breathe
and smile… they are just children playing… let them play themselves out until
they too tire and want to rest with me. This is where I hit the sweet spot and meet with the love of
my life… my Higher Power. I listen as my heart beats the rhythm of peace in
union… the Heart of Compassion. One of meditation's first fruits is emotional balance.
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