In the end this capitulation led me to the doors of AA where I found the direction I longed for. Though,
I believe, I could have made progress otherwise on any spiritual path but none
would have given me the sort of fellowship that I found when I first stood on
my feet and exclaimed that I am an alcoholic like you people. I was no longer
alone and I had friends, people who had experienced what I had, and many who
have had experiences beyond my own in sobriety and cleared the way ahead on the
same path to recovery. It turned out to be the path to freedom.
There is a Buddhist prayer that goes that is helpful and its words contained the direction I asked for:
OM... Oh Thou who holdest the seal of power, raise Thy diamond hand, bring to naught, destroy, exterminate.
Oh, Thou sustainer, sustain all who are in extremity.
Oh, Thou purifier, purify all who are in bondage to self.
OM... May the ender of all suffering be victorious.
OM... Oh thou perfectly enlightened, enlighten all sentient beings.
Oh, Thou who art perfect in wisdom and compassion, emancipate all beings,
and bring them to Buddhahood...
geo 4,784
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