Tuesday, September
24, 2013:
I hated the idea that
I had to accept a label of any kind and, to me, alcoholism was just another
label… or even an excuse. I told myself I just had a temporary drinking problem
and that, if I applied the proper amount of will power, I could control and
once more enjoy drinking. I certainly didn’t want to join a group of pathetic
losers that sat around and commiserated with each other about their
powerlessness. Furthermore, if I really needed it, I could take prescription drugs
to help ease the periods between drinking bouts. I considered opiates to be a
great relief from my drinking problem and that, if they were more available, I
could refrain from drinking long enough to restore my life. It was an
established fact of my experience that I could go long periods between drinks…
even a week or two… with medications. Medicinal marijuana wasn’t around then
but I did use pot as a medicine too. When I wasn’t drinking I thought that
opiates made me feel good and helped me to function on the job and in social
situations. It was a vicious circle in which I needed more and more to feel
like I could cope. I had no idea, except for a haunting suspicion in the back
of my mind, that I was acting quite insane and that “normal” people didn’t have
to be “on something” at all times.

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