Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dangerous Times Demand More of Me

Thursday, September 12, 2013:

“Where there is no vision the people perish…” (Proverbs 29:18)

The Book of Proverbs in the Bible interests me more than most of the others because it is packed with wisdom… wisdom that applies to everyday life. Granted, a good deal of it is infused with the values of its time and is tribal in nature, but the meat of the text is a source I go to when all else fails to inspire me after my morning meditation. This time, while I sat, this verse came to my attention as I prayed for our leadership. My spirit gets a bit antsy when the giant chess game of world politics comes to a place where the horrors of war percolate to the top of the agenda for those with good or evil intentions. We need a vision… a national vision… a world vision… a vision not unlike that of the first months after the first and second World Wars.

            I’m just a bit depressed about the events of the day because I see no apparent position; no particular direction, no vision to embrace. These are dangerous times for nations to careen against each other and in such times... when the vision is fogged, it is most important for me to clear my head and my heart so that I am not led about and exploited by those who would seduce my emotions. Before I act I must allow myself to be guided by the Heart of Compassion to do the next right thing.

            There is today a pastor that was arrested for plotting to burn a pile of Korans. Our nation’s Constitution permits this but our laws don’t. His arrest will add fuel to a controversy that has been simmering since 9/11/01. However, his actions, had they been allowed to be carried out, would have caused an explosion of protest. We need today to resist the temptation to be manipulated by folks like this pastor and those who would pretend to be upset by his actions. It takes vision to wait on guidance but I must accept guidance from beyond my emotional insecurities. The times demand it for there is another pertinent scripture that applies from the Book of Joel; “… your sons and daughters shall prophesy, and your old men will dream dreams, your young men shall have visions.” (Joel 2:28) Do we need youth to change our minds about a direction and vision? I do have to let go of old ideas... i.e, old dreams... old chimeras... in order to accept a new vision for world peace. That vision is to be seen only through eyes youthfully renewed.

geo 5,665

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