Sunday, September
8, 2013:

It is so very good to be home with my Bon Bon at my side in
the morning. It is an established ritual: I get out of bed after I tell her
that I love her. I do that because I don’t ever want to go a day without saying
that at least once. She doesn’t have to be awake when I do so either. Then I
slap my face with water, start the coffee, and sit silently a few minutes with the
Heart of Compassion before I come into my little office and pound out another
reflection for the day. It is such an established ritual that I feel empty if I
miss it… (and it does happen sometimes that I don’t sit and meditate) and I never
neglect to tell Bonnie that I love her because, for one thing, I never know
what the day will bring. But, more importantly, she is a manifestation of my
Higher Power and a gift of God to me. It is as simple as that. If I love her
with all my heart, all my mind, and all my soul, I am in truth loving God the
same. It is difficult not to act with compassion with others beyond her when I neglect to do so with her. Perhaps that is why most everyone loves to see a couple of lovers walking hand in hand, no matter what the age, and we smile inside. The
meaning of this is that I love what is in my hand in order to love that which
is beyond me.
It doesn’t matter to me one whit if I try to improve myself or get all religious.
I’m not trying to perfect myself at all. I just know that the current of
compassion is the path to freedom. Everything I do from there (as a convicted
felon celebrity is prone to say on her television show) “it is a good thing”. I can speak with authority on this
because it is my experience and my experience is that the only authority I need to be subservient to is the authority of compassion. I start love at home before it flows outward from my heart into the “Sangha”… the community of faith. How much more important
can it be to extend that love beyond the narrow confines of my tribal beliefs and alliances into the
world at large?
geo 5,459
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