I do
know that there was a certain open-minded contempt for one-sided politicos
involved in my attitudes that segued nicely into the spirituality of inclusion
I have been embraced by since then. What gives me pause for thought today is
that I have become apolitical. I had always contended that to stand in the
middle-of-the-road is to leave oneself open to being run over by traffic going
both ways! But I have not become apolitical out of indifference or because I am
unschooled on the issues. Rather, I have become aware of my own ignorance on
matters I was so damned sure about at one time.
This attitude might change in the future but
I do hope that my political opinions, whatever they might be, will not be
compelled by the temptation to insist that others think as I do.
geo, 4609
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