Monday, January 23, 2012

The Rules of the Game

 The main reason why so many prefer a dogma over a fluidity of understanding is most likely because it is so much easier than otherwise.To have the rules of the game; a Big Book, the Bible, the Koran, the Sutras, a guru, a preacher, a sponsor, a tyrannical father figure, an Imam or a political leader, to interpret the ideal represented within the claustrophobic confines of the ideal relieves us of the awesome responsibility of living life on its own terms. If only life were so easy…

Actually, it is. We have it… each and every one of us has… locked in genetic memory of our hard drive and our cultural adaptations that make us distinctly human. Why not access the three million years of human evolution to tap into the wonders of our own minds? How do we do this without falling back into old tapes… self-destructive behaviors, self-centered reflexes and twisted notions of our own importance? The default setting would seem to be; what is kinder? Given this, we all have brains to use, eh? Doesn’t every parent know instinctively what is right along these lines? Is there a dogma playing my tapes or am I present in the moment… extemporaneous… without a tape?

Take the time to sit with it.

geo, 4,602

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