Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Tool for Expansion or a Toy for Distraction

The history of spiritual evolution throughout the ages has witnessed more than a handful of extraordinary individuals who sensed a greater vision of the sublime that transcended whatever preceded their times. We can easily point to Lao Tzu, Buddha, Zoroaster, Socrates, Christ, Rumi, and a host of others too numerous to name, up to present times such as Einstein et al. How many though, more common souls sat in their villages in obscure locations, isolated from the rest of the world, carrying out ordinary occupations, with few disciples or any following to spread their vision? How many more were burned as witches, or heretics, were whisked off into eternity without leaving a footprint? These are unknown; however, it is known that very few have done this business entirely alone… without some sort of precedence or community to work within. We work with each other because it is in our DNA… what makes us distinctly human turns out to be, not so much the creation and use of tools, but the use of those tools towards expanding our communities beyond the limitations of family, tribe, nation and species…. all towards a universal spiritual body. Alienation is the ultimate enemy of such progress. Is it a tool towards expansion or a toy for distraction?

May I suggest? Try getting off the cell-phone, or quit texting a minute, to say hello to that one sitting next to you on the bus or Starbucks. It's okay with me if you don't... you won't get burned at the stake for it... I think.

geo, 4,595

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