Emotional Gyrations
gyrations of the sort we are tempest-tossed and confounded by are often those that arise by one form
or another of self-importance or self-deception. I get upset by people or
events because they either pass me by or have no respect for my person. A wise man once said,
“Our enemies tell us more about ourselves than our friends.” How many times
have I leaned on a friend only to have all the contrivances and folly of ego
verified or justified? Our enemies teach us patience and humility while at best
our friends can simply abide with us. A true friend knows his/her heart is prejudiced
and all comfort outside of accurate evaluation is of no help. Being unable to
get past the salve of codependence bordering on salaciousness we miss an
opportunity, to not only grow, but to find resolution in place of conflict. If we
are to find peace in our own lives…as distasteful and as frightening the
prospects… we lay down our personal defenses without laying down our altruistic
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