Let Them Ripen
I sit for a minute and pause without reflection? Is there a quiet place in a
garden; a spot in the workshop; a minute or two in the kitchen nook; a bath
tub; sauna or perhaps the patio over a cup of Java or tea where I can simply
listen? Listen to the pulse of my heart and watch my breathing; listen to the
waves on a beach or the wind through the trees in the forest? Can I turn off
the cell phone; close the laptop; take a few breaths; sit in loose clothing or a
robe and allow myself to appreciate the touch of water or air around my body?
Can I sit quietly in an auditorium, a church or temple and listen to the lecture
or sermon without an inner commentary or debate? Can I sit with a friend that
is troubled and listen without offering opinion or advice? If I can do any one
of these things, I can meditate. Sure, anyone can, and does, do at least one of
these things throughout one part of the day, week or month. What I find
essential is the regular practice of meditation. To do so daily changes
everything about how I perceive the world. It is the starting point of my day
and the closing minutes of my evenings. One of the first fruits of meditation
is emotional balance… now, to let them ripen.
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