Monday, May 21, 2012

Illegitimate Pride

The term “illegitimate pride” implies there is such a thing as “legitimate pride”. When I was a young man I strove for self-esteem through sheer strength of will and aspired to be among the world's greatest artists. I knew I could accomplish all my dreams in wealth and acclaim: so, I thought, isn’t this spiritual business of self-denial nothing more than a stratagem for losers? I have found I had been wrong about how I thought along these lines. If strength of will was the only tool in my box then I had to ask, why isn't that enough? Why then did I see so many… of the actors, athletes and people of high achievement in all walks of life, who succeeded where I failed… similarly fail miserably where drugs and alcohol stymied self-will causing havoc in their personal lives and careers. Are we exceptions to the rule or is there a law going on here that evaded all of us so-called geniuses before? Did I not only fail at the power, prestige and fame card table, but also fail at something as simple as turning my back on drugs and alcohol?
Legitimate pride tells me that, no matter where I am in life’s lottery, I have to find my core and reach in deep to be true to myself… to be unmoved by what I want others to think of me (for good or bad) and to achieve wisdom and humility as my greatest treasure... that  is what I can count and  rely on where legitimate pride takes me. The wisdom and humility that arises out of faith and surrenders my will to a Power greater than it, trumps the arrogance and pride of self-will run riot; and, whatever talents I have been given..; whatever handicaps I have been hobbled with..; and even, whatever my failings.., they are all surrendered to the best use I can make of them and that is legitimate pride well used.

geo 4,709

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