get as much pleasure from bragging as they do from food or money, says the Wall
Street Journal this morning. A new study has found that we spend 40 percent of
our everyday speech telling people about….ourselves, and how we think and feel.
Researchers say study participants were even willing to give up the prospect of
making more money for the opportunity to talk about themselves some more.
My first reflex was to feel smug and decry the
self-centeredness of the subject before I realized the divinely inspired genius and humor of AA. Just putting a bunch of alcoholics in a room talking about our selves, sometimes bragging, exaggerating and even lying, in order to approach the honesty and humility it takes to be
rid of our self-deception and self-obsession, is a Holy Hoot.
A healthy sense of humor is one of the first fruits
of humility and a sign the process of recovery has begun.
geo, 4,696
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