Sunday, December 29, 2013

They Were Friends

   I have been thinking of some of my dear friends who have passed on into the void at young ages…Lisa; found on her kitchen floor days after she passed out, face pressed flat so that it stuck on the linoleum by the time they found her. To Scotty; whose body was found in a booth at the Adult Bookstore on State Street with his rig dropped on the sticky floor… Jimmy whose body washed up on Hendry’s beach after he fell drunk one night out of his skiff… to others who passed in emergency rooms with as much dignity as could be afforded on hospital beds with tubes and wires keeping the body going long after the spirit had left it. To so many others… they were friends of mine… and while some were betrayed by compulsion, heart-break, addiction and fears, and longing; a few others, but only a handful, like Big Al and my father went peacefully, surrounded by loved ones.

It is a beautiful Sunday morning and, though my thoughts might seem morose to some, I am inspired by these losses to live my life with devotion and skill in their honor. I devote my core being and labors of the day to their sacrifice within the dance and song of the Heart of Compassion. This too is where my heart beats.

geo 5,571

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